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Saved by K J Hutchinson
on March 13, 2011 at 12:27:13 pm

Welcome to the Worldlywise Wiki


This Wiki is primarily for GCSE Geography students at Chesterton Community College, Cambridge. It is to support our study of the AQA(B) GCSE course. Geography teachers and students at other schools are welcome to view the pages.


Key dates for your diary


We have chosen to study the course in a modular way - so you will study a topic, revise it in class and then sit your exam in it before moving onto a new topic. We've done this because it is what you - our students - told us you wanted to do when we surveyed you in Year 9.


Unit 1 exam - Coasts - Monday 13th June 2011, 9am 




Click here to go to the section on how to improve your exam technique.


Revision sessions for Year 10 students who are re-sitting the Natural Hazards exam on June 17th


All Year 11 students who are re-sitting the Natural Hazards unit on June 17th are expected to attend all of these revision sessions. They begin at 3.15pm and last 20 minnutes.


Monday 6th June - Dr Hutchinson - What happens at different plate margins? What are the causes and effects of earthquakes?
Tuesday 7th June - Mr Hogan - Why is earthquake damage different in LEDCs/MEDCs? How can we limit the damage that earthquakes cause?
Wednesday 8th June - Mr Gordon - What are the causes and effects of volcanoes?
Thursday 9th June - Dr Hutchinson (Higher Tier) and Mr Gordon (Foundation Tier) - Understanding the exam command words and answering level marked questions
Friday 10th June - Mr Hogan - Why is volcano damage different in LEDCs/MEDCs? How can we limit the damage that volcanoes cause?
Monday 13th June - Dr Hutchinson - Why do people live in hazard areas?
Tuesday 14th June - Mr Hogan - What are tropical storms and why do they form?
Wednesday 15th June - Mr Gordon - What damage is caused by tropical storms? How can we prepare for tropical storms? (LEDC/MEDC); Tropical storms and climate change
Thursday 16th June - Dr Hutchinson - What are the natural and human causes of wildfires? What damage is caused by wildfires and how can we reduce it?


Unit 1 - Managing places in the 21st century


We have divided the course for Unit 1 into four sections - A, B, C and D. The learning objectives, key words, key questions and study and revision materials (including weblinks) will be uploaded for each lesson. Click below to access the resources for each section.


Section A     How have physical processes created the coastal landforms we see today?

Section B     Why are decisions made to manage coastal areas?

Section C     How can the management of coastal areas be increasingly sustainable?

Section D     Why are coastal areas a valuable economic and environmental resource?


Unit 2 - Hostile World


We have divided the course for Unit 2 into four sections - A, B, C and D. The learning objectives, key words, key questions and study and revision materials (inlcuding weblinks) will be uploaded for each lesson. Click below to access the resources for each section.


Section A     What are the causes and effects of earthquakes and how do people prepare for and respond to them?

Section B     What are the causes and effects of volcanic eruptions and how do people prepare for and respond to them?

Section C     What are the causes and effects of tropical storms and how do people prepare for and respond to them?

Section D     What are the causes and effects of wildfires and how do people prepare for and respond to them?

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